Tisha, Irfan, others get legal notice for hurting religious sentiment

Entertainment Report :
Popular actors Nusrat Imrose Tisha and Irfan Sajjad along with its scriptwriter and director has been served legal notices for hurting religious sentiments.
The Durga Puja’s special drama titled Bijoya allegedly showcased the concept of ‘planned infidelity’ and religious conversion.
Liton Kumar Das filed complained against the actors including it scriptwriter Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury and director Abu Hayat Mahmud Bhuiya.
Plaintiff’s lawyer Sumon Kumar Roy informed that the trial version of drama Bijoya has greatly hurt the sentiments of the Hindu community. The drama represented Hindu women as immoral and showcased Hindu men as ‘alcoholic, barbaric and powerless’ towards his wife.
Sumon Kumar Roy has asked the makers to cancel the broadcast of the drama and remove its trial version from all social media platforms within the next seven days.