Team Bangladesh in FNF Liberal Innovation Boot-camp

JnU Correspondent :
A team of three Bangladeshi students has participated in an international Bootcamp titled “Liberal Innovation Bootcamp: Future of storytelling” hosted by Frederic Neumann Foundation for freedom to be held in Bangalore city of India from October14 to 19.
The participants are Rabiul Alam anunder graduate student of Jagannath University English Department, Md. Arif Nezami, Chief Executive Officer of Preneur Laband Taufiq E Faruque, a Master’s student of International Relationship, Department of Dhaka University. A total 20 top emerging leaders on the basis of their media related activities will join the program from South Asian countriesat Bangaloreof India. Md Omar Mustafiz, Program Manager of FNF to Bangladesh will accompany the team as their mentor in the liberal boot-camp.
The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom is the foundation for liberal politics in the Federal Republic of Germany.
It aims to promote the goal of making the principle of freedom valid for the dignity of all people and in all areas of society, both in Germany and abroad.
With safeguarding and development of its statutory projects (civic education and dialogue, sponsorship of the talented, research and political consultation, archive-work), the Friedrich Naumann Foundation contributes in shaping the future.
This year only three students have been selected for the liberal bootcamp from Bangladesh among the top 20 emerging leaders from South Asian countries.