Supreme sacrifice of language heroes recalled


City Desk :
Students, teachers and officials of country’s premier Dhaka University recalled the supreme sacrifice of the language heroes on the occasion of Amar Ekushey and also International Mother Language Day .
Teachers, students and various organizations of DU placed wreaths at the Central Shaheed Minar to pay homage to the Language Movement heroes in the early hours of the day maintaining health guidelines.
A Provat Feri (Dawn March) led by DU Vice-Chancellor Dr Md Akhtaruzzaman was brought out at 6.30 am from the base of Aparajeya Bangla Sculpture of the university. Senate and Syndicate members of DU, teachers, students and staffs joined the Provat Feri.
After offering Fateha at Azimpur Graveyard for the martyrs of the language movement, students and teachers of the university paid rich tribute to the martyrs by placing wreaths at the Central Shaheed Minar.
Besides, special prayers were also offered at all the mosques of the campus including DU Central Mosque after Zohr prayers seeking eternal peace of the departed souls of martyrs.
However, this year, there were no arrangements for gathering and reception at the university’s central playground considering the pandemic situation.
DU VC Dr Md Akhtaruzzaman, in a message, thanked all the concerned authorities and the people of the country for recalling and paying tribute to the language martyrs in a very peaceful manner.
