Students’ movement positive: Experts

Noman Mosharef :
Agitating students swarmed onto the streets in Dhaka yesterday chanting, “we want justice” slogan for the sixth consecutive day. The students have assumed the role of traffic police as they did in the last five days, checking driving licences and fitness certificates, and seizing the keys of the vehicles without valid papers.
They were also guiding people to use zebra crossing, telling them to use footpaths and making separate lanes for private cars, auto-rickshaws, bikes, and emergency lane for ambulances.
Many guardians, cultural activists and eminent citizens have expressed their solidarity with the agitating students for road safety.
National Professor Anisuzzaman showed his sympathy for the students and said, ‘the protest is fair’.
There may be criticism about the protest, but I fully agree with the reason and I think ‘the reason is fair’. The anarchy on the road needs to be stopped immediately and permanently. I feel for the children who died. And I sincerely condole their families.
Another National Professor and Architect Jamilur Reza Chawdhury said, this movement is the result of lots of accidents and irregularities on the roads. Students died, many got injured. Every death is tragic, painful. One of the main reasons of the accidents is absence of the licenses of bus and truck drivers. This means that they are not trained. They are driving bus and trucks without knowing the rules. It was once said that 90 percent of the drivers have no valid licenses.
Jamilur Reza Chawdhury said, state policy makers helped make the situation adverse. Some of them said, there is no need to know the driver’s education. Drivers can follow the road, understand the signal. There is no effective mechanism to check if a driver can drive properly. They are driving in the streets
without properly checked. He further said, the time has come to emphasize another issue to stop movement of vehicles without fitness. The withdrawal of non-fitness cars may end deadlock. The government can start the work right now.
Dhaka University Pofessor Serajul Islam Choudhury said, the reality is revealed.
He said, road is not safe. The passengers are being thrown into the water. The two students were muffled by the bus. The students brought them in front of everyone. When the minister smiled at the news of the accident, it is clear there is no accountability in the state and the social system.
The reality has been revealed through the movement of the students. The children are on the way without any interest. They are driven by consciousness. There is no greed. They showed people they have a lot of energy, they can do a lot of things. It shows that the people of the country cannot always be suppressed.
Serajul Islam said, the bus owner has a relationship with the government. So the driver is desperate. The government should bring owner to accountability. Only accountability can bring discipline to the road.
Film star and Nirapad Sarak Chai Chairman Ilias Kanchan who have been continuing a movement for road safety for last 25 years, said, children and students have continued the movement for a long time. Earlier, the student died on the road. But now it seems that people are being killed in the transport sector. The events of the past have not been judged because of the recent events.
He said, when the students started protesting, the police beat them up. In social media it was found that the police are assaulting the students. They are angry. Apart from this, the students have seen that a responsible man of the state laughs at death. The children did not take it well. They were angry.
The government does not listen to many of us. There is a lot of discussion about corruption and irregularities. The government does not listen. But I’ve been working for safe roads for about 25 years. Because, many people became disabled due to the accident. Need to look at this point. But the government is not paying attention.
The reason is that the workers have relations with some responsible people of the government. These responsible people are not bringing discipline on roads. They are using the workers as tools. The workers are becoming more rowdy in this. They do not care about anyone.
The government has taken some good initiatives at different times to improve the situation. With the initiative, the employers and the workers realise the reality.
Many of the road safety recommendations have been coming for years. Many others have made many types of recommendations. No one is listening to any recommendations.