Sramik Dal leader killed in factional clash

UNB, Dhaka :
A Jatiyatabadi Sramik Dal leader was killed and another injured in a factional clash in front of the BNP’s Nayapaltan central office on Sunday.
Witnesses and BNP sources said Sramik Dal Dhaka City South and North units jointly arranged a doa and milad mahfil on the ground floor of the BNP’s central office seeking early recovery of ailing BNP vice chairman Sadeque Hossain Khoka, now in the USA, after Asr prayers.
After the milad, they said, a group of people, led by Dhanmondi Thana unit Sramik Dal vice president Shahid, Sramik leader Sohel and New Market Thana unit Chhatra Dal leader Rashed, attacked
 Dhanmondi Thana unit president Babul Sarder and its general secretary Abu Kawser Bhuiyan with sticks and sharp weapons, leaving them seriously injured.
The injured were taken to Dhaka Medical College Hospital. Later, Babul, 48, was shifted to Square Hospital as his condition deteriorated.