Speed up dev using tech: President


President M Abdul Hamid on Wednesday urged all concerned to come up with new inventions in technology and ensure their proper use to speed up country’s development at all levels.
“Accelerate ongoing development by utilizing technology properly,” the President said while addressing the third convocation of Jessore Science and Technology University (JSTU) in Jessore in the afternoon.
The President, also the chancellor of the university, categorically stressed making efficient manpower to compete with the revolutionary expansion of the information technology worldwide.
“Make students technology-based skilled human resources to meet the demand of time as the world is rapidly changing and becoming more competitive”, he observed.
Abdul Hamid asked teachers, students, researchers, guardians and all student bodies to nurture mutual respect, tolerance and non-communal spirit at all strata of life.
Noting that the university is not only the centre of learning, rather it is the footrest of higher studies and research, the President said the education from the university is very significant to build the young generation as worthy and global citizens.
He also put emphasis on the raising the human values among the new generation and their readiness to become the builders of a modern Bangladesh as envisioned by Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
President Hamid stressed the need for the practice of freethinking, contemporary thoughts, cultural activities and various creative works alongside the academic curriculum as those help expand the knowledge of the learners making them world-standard.
Terming the creative activities as part of education, the President observed that the localism, fanaticism and intolerance hamper the freethinking environment in the universities.
“We have to come out of this (environment)”, the chancellor added.
The President said the country in the meantime achieved tremendous success in various sectors including per capita income, national growth, women’s empowerment, sanitation, agriculture, education, health, constructing multipurpose Padma bridge and Bangabandhu satellite.
Abdul Hamid called for achieving the international standard in science education and IT sector.
