Special play Vanity Bag


Entertainment Report :
On sixth day of Eid NTV will air a special play titled Vanity Bag tonight at 6:35pm.
Directed by Ali Fida Ekram Tojo story of the play was also written by himself.
The cast of play includes Tariq Anam Khan, Zahid Hasan, Mahfuz Ahmed, Richi Solaiman, Saju Khadem, Urmila, Sporshia, Buri Ali, Salman Al Mamun, among others.
Two homeopath physicians practice in a mafussil area. Though Tariq Anam behaves well but he has few patients. On the other hand, Zahid Hasan misbehaves with patients but his has a large queue.
Despite having all things Zahid Hasan has no wife. At a time, he tries to marry Sporshia and Richi Solaiman. At last, he ties the nuptial knot with his assistant Urmila.
Tariq Anam runs a project named Double Fund. Richi is his assistant. While traveling in Dhaka she lost her vanity bag in which Tk 8 lakh there. Saju Khadem got the bag. Then story of the play continues with climax.
