Speakers for favourable environment for women in public procurement


Speakers at a dialogue on Sundday underscored the need for developing policy provisions for creating an enabling environment to ensure participation of women in public procurement to make the system sustainable for better implementation of development projects.
For this, it is a dire need to bring necessary policy changes to create an enabling environment where women can largely participate at public procurement, they said.
They were speaking at a policy dialogue on ‘Engaging Women Entrepreneurs in Public Procurement’ held at the conference room of the Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU) of the Implementation Monitoring Evaluation Division (IMED) of the Planning Ministry, said a press release.
Ministry of Planning in association of International Trade Centre and Business Initiative Leading Development (BUILD) organised the dialogue. Secretary of Ministry of Planning Nurul Amin spoke at the programme as the chief guest while Director General of the CPTU Md Ali Noor spoke as the special guest.
Chairman of Dohatech Tech Luna Shamsuddoha spoke as the guest of honour while Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of BUILD Ferdous Ara Begum moderated the dialogue.
Nurul Amin said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in a recent ECNEC meeting gave necessary directions so that women can participate in public procurement easily.
Ali Noor assured the women entrepreneurs that the CPTU would positively consider necessary changes in the policy in order to allow women entrepreneurs to participate in public procurement.
He said the experience of private sector is not considered for government works because of the rules and regulations to cope with the international practices.
While presenting a keynote paper on the topic, Gender Consultant of BUILD Mehruna Islam Chowdhury pointed out major challenges and drawbacks in the policy.
