Skill Development, Career Talk at IU

Participants of a Career Talk are at a photo pose with Vice-Chancellor of Islamic University, Kushtia recently.
Participants of a Career Talk are at a photo pose with Vice-Chancellor of Islamic University, Kushtia recently.
IU Correspondent :
An intensive daylong training programme on ‘Legal Skill Development and Career Talk’ was held at Islamic University, Kushtia recently.
The Network for International Law Students of Bangladesh (NILS) and IU Law Faculty organised the programme jointly at Birshrestha Hamidur Rahman auditorium on the campus.
IU Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr M Harun-Ur-Rashid Askari addressed the event as the chief guest while its pro vice-chancellor Prof Dr M Shahinoor Rahman and treasurer Prof Dr M Selim Toha were present here as the special guests with IU Law faculty dean Prof Dr Reba Mandal in the chair.
 Shah Monjurul Haque, advocate of Bangladesh Supreme Court also adviser of NILS Islamic University chapter addressed the function as the chief discussant while Jagannath University Law department Assistant Professor Barrister Ehasanul Kabir, Chittagong University Asistant Professor Saeed Ahsan Khalid, Lecturer of American International University, Bangladesh Quazi Omar Foysal and NILS central president Mohammad Mamun attended here as the resource person.
IU NILS president also chief coordinator of the event Masudur Rhaman delivered the welcome speech conducted by Muttakin Hossain and Shaila, students of the AL-Fiqh and Legal Studies department of the university.
More than three hundred students of the Law faculty took part in the training programme.