Seminar stresses on building critical coastal infrastructure


Staff Reporter :
Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (EquityBD) on Saturday organized a seminar on “Post Paris Implications: Priority Actions for Climate Adaptation in National Budget and Planning” held at the National Press Club in the city.
Speakers of the seminar stressed the need for separate institutions and priority allocation for building critical coastal infrastructure to protect lands and people.
The seminar was chaired by Dr Ahsan Uddin of CGC, according to a press release. AKM Jahangir, MP, and former minister spoke at the seminar as the chief guest, while Rezaul Karim Chowdhury of EquityBD moderated it. Syed Aminul Haque of EquityBD presented the key note at the function.
In his key note, Sayed Aminul Haque said, the definition of poverty should be changed in view of rising per capita income and climate vulnerability what India recently did.
The seventh Five Year Plan (7th FYP) being prepared without any such vulnerability analysis and climate adaptation in sectoral planning.
“There are hardly any allocation for embankment from the national exchequer, and the government is relying on loan solely for this from the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank,” he said.
