Security beefed up in city ahead of Eid

Staff Reporter :
The government has chalked out foolproof security in order to prevent subversive activities in the country during the Eid-ul-Azha holidays that began on Saturday.
In this connection, the senior officials of the law enforcement and the intelligence agencies attended a meeting held recently in the Home Ministry auditorium with Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal in the chair.
The law enforcement agencies have been asked to provide foolproof security to large Eid congregrations,
keeping the Sholakia Eidgah attack on the Eid day on July 7 in mind, to avoid any kind of subversive activities.
The Home Minister reminded the law enforcement agencies to stay alert, so that security at the diplomatic zone and key-point installations do not get relaxed during the Eid vacation.
The police deployed extra forces in the capitals, 23 cattle markets to ensure round-the-clock security. Preventive measures to stop the flow of counterfeiting currency in the cattle markets have also been taken. Ninety percent of the shopping malls in the capital ad per advice installed Close Circuit (CCTV) cameras to ensure smooth security systems.
The police set up 15 watch towers in different strategic points of highways as part of measures so that vehicles can run smoothly.
Additional forces have been deployed on highways, railways and river routs so that the Eid holiday makers can go home safely.
While asked if there is any threat targeting Eid, the Home Minister said, the law enforcement agencies would remain alert to meet emergencies.
The Home Minister also said that there would be Fire Brigade rescue teams and divers at all ferry terminals for emergency duties.