Road transport bill to go to JS with amendments

Staff Reporter :
The road transport law will be sent to the Jatiya Sangsad again with some amendments about the “lenient” nature of punishment over deaths caused by reckless driving, said Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal on Wednesday.
“We will crosscheck the road transport law and discuss it elaborately in the meeting,” he told to journalists before holding a meeting of the committee regarding the technical aspects of ‘Road Transport Act-2018’ at his ministry conference room.
The minister said, “We have analyzed how this law is being implemented in our neighbouring countries and what is there in the law.”
He, however, said that the Road Safety
 Council will look after the issue like punishment (of accused drivers), adding “We would just make recommendations on the basis of the outcome of the meeting.”
All the recommendations of the meeting would be included the law, which will go to the Jatiya Sangsad for passage, the minister said.
Earlier, on September 19, 2018, the Jatiya Sangsad passed the Road Transport Bill, 2018 keeping a provision of maximum five-year imprisonment and Taka 5 lakh fine or both for causing severe injury or death of any person due to reckless driving.