Rice price goes up

Anisul Islam Noor :
Prices of coarse rice have increased by nearly Tk 5 per kg across the country.
Earlier, one kg coarse varieties of rice like Swarna and BR-11 was sold at Tk 35 in the markets. But now it is being sold at Tk 40 per kg, according to market sources.
The market analysts and consumer rights group accused different syndicates of increasing the rice price.
They said, there is no valid reason for the hike in rice prices as the country has adequate supply of the staple.
They have emphasised to bring the importers and millers under strict monitoring to protect market from being volatile.
Prices of the medium quality rice like Bridhan-28, 29, Paijam, Kajol Lata, Parija and Ratna have increased by Tk2-Tk3 to Tk40-Tk45 per kg in the last seven days.
Fine varieties like Miniket, Najirshail and Kataribhog remained static maintaining higher rates.
Miniket of different qualities were sold at Tk 46-Tk 54 per kg and Najirshail at Tk48-Tk 57 per kg in the city.
Arju Ahmed, a grocer at Rampura in the city told that the price of coarse varieties witnessed an upward trend for the last few days in the wholesale markets.
He said per 100 kg sack of good quality Swarna increased to Tk 3700 on Saturday which was Tk 3350-Tk 3400 a few days back.
Asadullah, joint secretary of Badamtoli and Babu Bazar Chaul Aratdar Malik Samity, an association of rice wholesalers in the city, said prices have been increasing gradually at the mill gates in Kushtia, Pabna, Naogaon, Dinajpur, Rangpur, Nilphamari and Jessore.
He said the rate of per Kg Swarna was Tk 37.5 to Tk 38 in Rangpur and Dinajpur on Sunday.
One kg rice of Brridhan-28 was sold at Tk 42-Tk 42.5 at the mill gates and the price might increase further in Dhaka, he said.
Secretary of Bangladesh Auto Major Husking Mill Owners’ Association KM Layek Ali said, paddy prices increased by Tk 150-Tk200 a sack (75 kg) in the last two weeks.
He said, Bridhan-28 paddy was selling at Tk 1750 a sack (75 kg) which means per kg milled rice will be available at Tk 40.
Swarna paddy is selling at Tk 1500-Tk 1550 a sack.
He said, production of Brridhan-28 declined notably in the last Boro season causing the recent hike in prices.
He said prices will come down within a few weeks after the new Aman paddy harvest hits the market.
Md Azizul Islam, a Rangpur-based rice miller, said many of the importers and their allied traders are now active to force the government for a duty cut in rice import.
Consumers Association of Bangladesh (CAB) Secretary Humayun Kabir Bhuiyan said the government should conduct strict monitoring to protect the market from any artificial shortage.
“Stores and godowns of big importers, millers and traders should be kept under watch to combat any simulated crisis,” he said.
Agricultural Economist Prof Golam Hafiz Kennedy said the government should take policies which could benefit farmers, traders and consumers.
He pointed out that local production of rice declined to 34.57 million tonnes in the financial year 2015-16 from 34.7 million tonnes but it is still a surplus against an annual demand of 31.0 million tonnes.