Readers’ Voice


Let’s Help & Exist Mutually

The ongoing deadly variant of Covid-19, the severe outbreak of fatal dengue and the sudden increase in rainfall in different parts of the country have spread the unprecedented shocks and setbacks of the three-dimensional phenomenon in public life.
In such an unwelcomed reality, the life of every mass, regardless of the margins and strata, is in crisis and dire straits. It is also the trait of humans to climb the mountain of despair and move forward. So, mutual co-operation and open-armed assistance are much substantial to continue the triumph of life amid this dire situation.
To this end, everyone must work together to get rid of the ongoing human-social crisis and adversity and extend a generous hand of cooperate mutually. May our breath continue, our longing for survival proceed, and our life flow after overcoming all crises and pitfalls-this is the gross expectation for now.

W. A. Khan

The US Foreign Policy


The US foreign policy remains unchanged whoever is the President. Joe Boidden’s latest statement supporting Israel’s stand accusing Iran for attack on a merchandise ship of Israel. Neither there has been a fair investigation nor Iran bowed down to the fabricated charge. We think that the US President should try for a negotiation between Iran and Israel to pacify the war torn Middle East. It is because war cannot resolve crisis. So, no country should surrender to adventurism.
We further think that Israel must take back all the Muslims and their successors evicted from that country since 1948. In turn the Muslim countries should recognize Israel as a sovereign country.

Ameer Hamza
Establish Justice

The whole world has been passing through critical juncture after corona attack. None knows when the corona virus will depart, leaving the crore of people from the east to the west, north to the south to have smile on their faces. There is no doubt that the Bangladesh government has been working hard to save the people, but sadly they are not properly cooperating.
If the people do not support the government in its mission, then I shall be compelled to say that disobedience at this very hard time will bring no good to them at all. Allah Himself said that He does not love the mischief making. So, let us cooperate with the government.
Asma Akhter
