Readers’ Forum


The District Council polls

The news that the first-ever district council elections will be held on December 28, 2016 is a great initiative by AL government for practicing institutional democracy.
However, it is also true that voters of the poll will consist of elected representatives of union parishad, upzila parishad , municipality and city corporation, not the common people. It means that indirect democracy will be practiced in DC polls, which will vitiate the main spirit of real democracy. We expect that the government will internalise the significance of direct voting participated by common people.

Sarfaraj Mamun
University of Dhaka


Delay in BCS appointment

It has been over three months since PSC published the 35th BCS result. The government is yet to issue the date for medical test of the candidates. The recruitment process would be expedited if the government could conduct police verification after the appointments are decided upon. Why should the candidates sit around idly another six months even after the final result?

Ashek Sarker
