Readers` Forum


Affordable public transport

Bangladesh’s narrow roads were developed in an unplanned manner, with the construction of houses and commercial ventures leaving no space for roads – a major cause for its perpetual traffic gridlock. The 4 million middle and lower-income population of Dhaka are inconvenienced in light of the increased personal vehicles, scarce availability of CNG driven auto-rickshaws and the barring of cycle rickshaws in some areas. While taxis are unaffordable for many, public buses are not a viable option for a lot of commuting women.
A venture for CNG or electric run auto-rickshaws in Bangladesh, similar to that of Japan, would largely benefit these people. A suitable industrial unit may be engaged for the job. It would enable cheaper prices of auto-rickshaws and reduce large vehicle congestion in the streets.
Md. Ashraf Hossain
Ramna, Dhaka
