Readers’ Forum


Most teachers lack proper mindset

Recently, school teachers have been hitting the news headlines more frequently than I can ever recall for one reason or another and generally not good.
A lot of blame has been levied at school teachers for their misconduct and inability to teach properly. While these accusations may be true, in my opinion they, themselves, are not entirely to blame, but the system for allowing them entry in the first place.
I think we can take for granted that teaching is a mere job with a regular monthly income to many people, they lack the will, professional training and passion required. Nobody can blame them for working and supporting their family, that’s their moral duty, but it’s sad that many of them do more harm than good in the education system and, seemingly, without any reprimand or penalties of any description.
In several reports I read, anti-corporal punishment crusader Sir Frank Peters has made it crystal clear that he is good teacher who’s professional in every respect, gives every encouragement and support to his pupils, and any form of corporal punishment is not in his/her mind.
Unfortunately, the system has allowed many bad apples to penetrate by proffering brown envelopes to unscrupulous people and as a result children (and the nation) are suffering hugely.
To reap the benefit, the Department of Education must apply the brakes immediately to this wrongdoing and do something to save the situation from getting worse.
A good beginning would be to sack all teachers who give corporal punishment to children, which alone is conclusive self-damning evidence they do not know how to teach. Bangladeshi children have great talent, but those who have very little or none are suppressing it.

Eng. Altaf Alamin
