Readers’ Forum


Lesser flow in major rivers

About 54 rivers of the country have almost withered away due to unilateral withdrawal of water by neighbouring India since late seventies. Most important of them are the Padma, the Jamuna, the Karotoya, the Baral, the Arial Khna, the Atrai, the Chitra, the Dakatia, the Madhumati and the Garai.
The Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta dominates larger part of Bangladesh’s geography, but the word ‘Ganges’ does not denote that part of the river flowing through Bangladesh, but it is widely known as the Padma River. Similarly, below the confluence with the Teesta River, the main channel of the Brahmaputra River is known as the Jamuna River.
The sad story does not end here. The Indian government is planning farther to withdraw water from the Indian part of the Ganges to water the country’s several states, including Gujrat. If it is implemented, the whole of Bangladesh will become desert, endangering the human lives, flora and fauna.
In view of this, we request our government to defend our interests diplomatically.

Abdullah Rahi


Is Rio Olympic in danger?

Sports observers fear that the Brazil Olympic Association’s ability to stage the 2016 Olympics may be handicapped by the Parliament’s initiative to impeach the country’s President. They are saying that the grand extravaganza will be held in August this year and, as such, the Parliament members could have proceeded with the impeachment process later this year.
The Parliament members surely are aware of the dire consequence of the Olympic Association’s failure and they also know that Brazil’s political and sports image will be drowned in the Amazon river.

Khurshida Haque
