Readers’ Forum


Never to forget

Dr. Shamsuzzoha was the Proctor of Rajshahi University (RU). He was a very popular teacher not only to his own department of Chemistry, but also to the whole university. He was very much conscious about the well being of the students. And that is why the moment Dr. Zoha heard that the students of RU were taking to the street through the main gate, defying 144 PC, he accompanied by the assistant proctors reached there. At that time, one platoon of troops of the Para-Military EPR was waiting just outside the gate.
At that time, the people of erstwhile East Pakistan were agitating against the Pakistan government for realization of full autonomy based on six and 11 points.
Dr. Zoha went there to save his students from casualties and he succeeded, but he could not save himself. The commander of the platoon shot at Dr. Zoha and when he fell on the ground, the killer commander charged bayonet into the front part of his body with clear intention of murder. He died on way to Rajshahi Medical College and Hospital.
When the body was brought back, a very pitiable scene gripped the whole university. Every one was weeping. His wife, younger brother and sister were wailing, while his two kids understood not what happened to their father.
He was buried in front of the administrative building. The day was 18th February, 1969.
Days pass on. But he is still in our memory on account of his politeness, love for students and love for sports. May Allah grant him Paradise.

Ameer Hamzah
