Readers’ Forum


Collapsing city transport

The number of passenger buses, minibuses, and auto-rickshaws is much fewer in ratio to the population, resulting in the sufferings to the commuters. But there is little initiative to improve the communication system to end pains. Passengers wait for buses, occupying a portion of roads, hindering normal movement of traffic. Almost every bus and minibus are huddled with commuters, bus conductors and passengers often quarrelling over bus fare, many drivers parking vehicles in the middle of the roads, which are really indecent and uncivil.
We think that the Ministry of the Roads and Bridges, the BRTA, the Private Bus Owners’ Association and the two City Corporations should sit together to draw a map of modern city transport system as early as possible, asking the contractors of the under-construction flyovers to respect the given time in the work order.
If a man visits from Malibagh Mor to the Bangla Motor and from Maghbazar to Tejgaon IA, s/he will experience a severe experience of road anomalies. We want quick end thereof.

Ashique Mahmud
It is good to win


Few years back, it was very difficult to believe winning a series against a powerful country in cricket for Bangladesh. But now, when we look down at the number of series which the Bangladesh Team has won whitewashening the other side, then it becomes a very delightful moment for the country. Heartiest congratulations to our cricketers. They have whitewashed the Zimbabwe team in an extraordinary manner. We hope the trend of winning will continue and they will make us joyous many times in coming future. We believe Bangladesh has become a top cricket playing nation. It is time to move forward much further. The beginning is a good signal.

Bithee Debi
SUST, Sylhet
