Readers’ Forum


A judicial record indeed!

An Egyptian court awarded capital punishment to 529 people on the charge of killing a policeman in August last year. Surely the judgment is the exposition of extreme grudge, and the drum of frightful music. Perhaps history has never witnessed capital punishment to so many people in a single trial.
Mohammad Morsi was the first ever elected President of Egypt. The nation expected concrete and material administrative and judiciary reforms from him. But he failed to do that. Morsi made several mistakes, which utilized the power hungry Armed Forces in their own interest.
The deposed President instead of reforming the economic sector, drafted a new constitution based on Islami Shariah and hurriedly put it to referendum, overlooking various quarters’ strong opposition. He could have followed Turkish prime minister, who gave more attention to the economic reforms.
Morsi neglected attacks on the Army and the Policemen in the Sinai Peninsula by a extremist group, whose link with Al Qaeda has not, however, yet been established. He did not order strong action against the attackers. His third mistake was massive support for the Syrian rebels who have been fighting for three years to topple President Asad. He repeatedly hit out at Iran for her support for Assad.
Yet, he could not get the Gulf States by his side against the military takeover. This is his tragedy. There is a lesson in the one year rule of President Mohammad Morsi. Out national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam said, to a hungry child, nothing is dearer than bread and water. However, democratic rule can be restored in Egypt by arranging a general election to be participated by all the political countries under the supervision of the UNO.
It is universal truth that man is mortal and for every action is accountable to God.
Abdullah Akber
