Readers’ Forum


Children In Climate Movement
It has been heartening to read about and see visuals of the protests staged by millions of school students across the world recently over inaction on climate change. These protests and strikes offer many valuable lessons. The first is that students’ lives are not confined to the four walls of the classroom but transcend beyond that. Since they are also social beings, they too must have deep awareness of burning social issues. What is the logic of filling their minds with information about global warming and climate change if they have no role in bringing about changes in the world?
The student community across the world must take a leaf out of the youth climate movement’s book and learn to protest over substantive issues rather than trivial ones. It is delightful that the youth climate movement launched by the young Swede, Greta Thunberg, has been able to invigorate and mobilise the youth across the world against environmental degradation.
Venu G.S.
New Delhi
