Readers’ Forum

The Sufferings Of The Home-Going People :
A few days are remaining of Eid-ul-Fitr. Demand of different services increases suddenly during this time in our country. Although service providers try to increase their capacity, they can hardly maintain their quality of service. Usually, the service quality declines during rush hours and that causes an unavoidable suffering to the people. The worst scenario we can see in the transportation services.
As it is a common practice of the people of our country to visit their hometown and celebrate the special day with their family; so the demand for transportation service increases significantly in this particular time. You may have noticed that many people have started leaving Dhaka little earlier to avoid the rush. The reason is nobody wants to spend hours standing in a queue to get a ticket. Besides that, it takes a long time on the road to reach the destination because of the huge volume of traffic. Every transportation system (bus, train, and launch) is overloaded with people. Maintaining this huge demand with a good quality service is always a great challenge for our country. As a result, people face many troublesome situations throughout their journey to their home. Every year, many accidents occur this time because of risky behaviour of the people. They hardly care about the safety measures rather than going home before Eid.
The Bangladesh government has taken some initiatives understanding this serious problem. Although we have already witnessed some changes in transportation services, but this is not enough. Besides government, the private sectors should also come up with their services to reduce the sufferings of the people. Importantly, people should avoid all kinds of risky behaviour, thinking that life is more valuable than time. This suffering of the home going people needs to solve with no time. A holistic approach among the government, people and the service providers can make it happen. Hoping the alarming problem will be solved and people can go home safely without any trouble.
Ashfat Bin Islam
Student, Department of Business Administration
East West University