Readers’ Forum

Road safety :
Road accident is very dangerous and it can take someone’s life. I wonder if anyone of you has been involved in a road accident. If you have, I’m sure you’re glad to be alive. For those of you who have not been in one, you may be thinking: It’d never happen to me. But think again. Stet statistics show road accidents are on the rise, and you and I are not spared from the clutches of irresponsible drivers and speed monsters. So, how can we avoid road accidents?
Firstly, do not jaywalker. The pedestrian crossings and overhead bridges are all erected especially for you, so use them! I know what some of you are thinking: Why waste precious minutes walking to the pedestrian crossing when the road is clear? Well, you may lose your life saving those few seconds. Anyway, walking is good exercise, isn’t it? Now, when you are waiting of the pedestrian crossing on traffic lights, stay where you are until the vehicle has stopped completely before you cross because drunk drivers or speed monsters will never yield to you.
Secondly, be patient. If you see your bus is approaching, stop across the road, if you have to. Don’t negotiate dangerously with oncoming traffic or beat the red light to catch the bus. You may end up under the wheel of a car instead. Remember, better late than never.
Thirdly, be vigilant and safe, when there are no safety amenities to use, ensure that you have a full clear view of the road before crossing. A motorcyclist turning out of a minor road may be hidden from your view by a passing lorry, and it may be this motorcyclist who poses a real danger to you. While waiting for a taxi, stay at a safe distance from the kerb.
Last but not least, act responsibly. Just the other day, I witnessed two boys bouncing a basketball across a major road. Though they did the right thing by crossing at the traffic lights, their careless and irresponsible behavior could have cast them their lives.
Remember, life is precious. A moment’s recklessness may be all it takes to lose your life. So be safe on the roads at all times.

Ramisa Maliha Bhuiyan
