Readers’ Forum


Hajj, symbol of unity

Hajj is one of the pillars of Islam. Every fmancially and physically sound Muslim must visit Kaaba once in life. Kaaba is the. first worship centre in the world. Hazrat Adam (AS) built it, while Hazrat Ibrahin (AS) and his second son Hazrat Ismail (AS) rebuilt it after the deluge that shook the world during the time of Hazrat Noah (AS).
Among the rituals of Hajj, there are circuit of Kaaba seven times, run between Safa and Marwa hills seven times as did Hazrat Hazera, wife of Hazrat Ibrahim, in search of water to quench her thirsty son, assembly on the Arafa as did Hazrat Adam and Hazrat Hawa to seek Allah’ Mercy and Forgiveness, throwing of stones on the dummy of the devil at Mina as did Ismail, and sacrifice of domestic animals.
A pilgrim goes nearest to Allah. He/she puts off his/her shoe and says, “I am present, O my Allah, I am present at your house.” A pilgrim, however, must fulfill the following conditions. 1) He or she must repay if there is any debt, 2) he/she must meet financial liability and security of hislher family during the period of absence, and 3) above all the earnings must be earned in a honest way.
The financially strong Muslims sacrifice cattle on the days 10, 11 and 12 of Zilhaj month, seems convenient to them, at the selected places, not hither and thither, themselves eat meat and feed the poor, destitute. The cattle include goat, sheep, dumba, cow, buffalo and camel.
Blood and flesh do not reach Allah, reach Him our devotion and will. The meat cannot, however, consumed for more than three days. Hazrat Ayesha (RA) and Hazrat Ali (RA) narrated this Hadith.

Ameer Hamzah
