Readers’ Forum


Poor information display at Airport

In anyone wants to enter the International Airport in Dhaka to receive guests coming from abroad, s/he has to buy a ticket for TK 300 to walk through an open air pathway. Inside the premises, the monitor displaying flight schedules is too dimly lit and stationed too far away for anyone to be able to check whether a flight has landed or departed. This monitor should have been hung mid-way from the ceiling, with the display bright enough for everyone to read the flight details.
The Exit pathway leading to the parking area is horribly unclean. One can easily trip in the mud, especially after it has rained, given that there is no overhead canopy. The condition of the washrooms is worse than those in railway stations.
The concerned authorities must look into these matters and improve the pitiable standards maintained in our International Airport. It is the first impression that foreigners get upon entering Bangladesh.

Siraj Islam
