Readers’ Forum


The most damaged road!

Often it is claimed that development works flooded the Dhaka city and the country, but the plight of the Daktar Goli (by-lane) in West Malibagh, Dhaka denies that assertion. The condition of the lane is so bad that words are unable to give a description thereof.
We do not know how the condition of a lane in the heart of the capital city can be that poor when it is often claimed that development works have flooded the city!
The Goli is often flooded with used domestic and sewerage water, and the sufferings out of it can easily be realised by any individual of average sense. The Goli is rugged, rough, broken and shattered.
Several times, attentions of the mayors (past and present) and their officials have been drawn through the newspapers, but sadly all efforts got no result.
We once again urge the competent authorities to repair and reconstruct the damaged Daktar Goli as soon as possible.

A Resident,
West Malibagh,
