‘Qawmi students-teachers to remain free from politics’


Students and teachers of Qawmi Madrasas would be free from all kinds of politics, said Al-Hayatul Ulaya Lil-Jami’atil Qawmia Bangladesh.
The decision was taken at a meeting of the standing committee of the organisation held at Jamia Islamia Darul Ulum Madania Jatrabari Madrasa here on Sunday with Chairman of Al-Hayatul Ulaya Allama Mahmudul Hasan in the chair, a press release said.
The decision was taken to protect the traditional education system from the instability prevailing in the Qawmi Madrasas and to create a conducive environment for conducting various religious activities apart from maintaining the dignity of the ulamas, the press release added.
At the meeting, it was also decided that Al-Hayatul Ulaya would take decisions and initiatives only related to Quwmi Madrasas, while any boards under Al-Hayatul Ulaya or any organisation or any individual could not take any decision or action or initiative regarding Qawmi Madrasas separately without permission of Al-Hayatul Ulaya.
