Private clinics in Ctg violating rules

A Correspondent :
On October 4 last, CSCR, a private hospital in Chittagong declared death of an alive child after delivery.
The private clinics in Chittagong are allegedly violating the government regulations. There are many allegations of patients against the private clinics. Many patients are pointing against the private clinics in Chittagong for negligence to the patients, mismanagement and over billing.
On October 4 last, CSCR, a private hospital in Chittagong declared death of an alive child after delivery. The CSCR authority issued death certificate of the new born baby while the mother of the baby Dr Ridwana Kaosar noticed that her child is alive. Later, the baby was found alive at another hospital in the city. Dr Ridwana Kaosar said, “After delivery I heard that Dr Shahana Akter directed to provide the baby ICU treatment. But, the CSCR authority declared the baby death and issued death certificate. It is clear negligence to the patients.
However, the negligence of CSCR authority is now talk of the town and parents of the newborn, who both are physicians, are going to file case against the CSCR authority. In this connection, Civil Surgeon of Chittagong stepped to investigate the incident. Office of Civil Surgeon of Chittagong formed a three member’s committee led by Child Specialist Dr Shah Alam to investigate the incident that occurred in the city. The other two of the committee are — Deputy Civil Surgeon of Chittagong Dr Ajoy Kumar Dey and Shahedul Islam.
Concerned sources said, at least 200 hospitals and clinics in Chittagong are regularly violating the rules of the government. According to the Medical Acts and Private Clinical and Laboratories Ordinance of 1982, all private hospitals and clinics have to follow the seven terms for health care and services.
According to the Act and Ordinance, the private clinics and hospitals have to ensure healthy environment in clinics, at least 8 Sft patient’s bed have to be provided, air conditioned operation theatre must be established, all life saving medicines must be available at the clinics. Besides, one doctor, two nurses and one sweeper for ten patients must be appointed in the clinics. More over specialists must be appointed for operations and supervision of the patients in all private clinics.
This correspondent found after roaming around the city clinics that maximum private clinics and hospitals have not adequate number of doctors, nurses, sweepers and specialist doctors. Only one or two new doctor, who obtain only medical college degree, are engaged in the private clinics and hospitals.
Most of the private clinics and hospitals do not have specialist doctors. Besides, most of the hospitals have no medicine shop in the compound.
The clinical wastes are used to dump in the open spaces. Most of the clinics and hospitals discharged their wastage at the nearby areas of these establishments, sources said. According to the rule, the clinics and hospitals have to make own plant to destroy their clinical wastage.
The civil surgeon office and health department had no current information about the actual numbers of the private clinics in the city, as they do not visit the clinics regularly.