Preventing corruption thru’ social movement underscored

BSS, Rangpur :
Preventing corruption has become an essence of the time through launching vigorous social movement, involving the young generations, to accelerate national development, speakers said here recently.
They were addressing the prize giving and concluding ceremony arranged in observance of the Corruption Prevention Week-2015 with the theme of ‘Unitedly We Will Build Corruption-free Bangladesh’ at Town Hall auditorium in the city.
The District Corruption Prevention Committee (DCPC) with assistance of the District Combined Office of the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) chalked out elaborate week-long programmes in observance of the week.
RDRS Bangladesh, a reputed NGO, under its Justice Reform & Corruption Prevention (JRCP) Project extended cooperation in observing the week.
On the concluding day yesterday, debaters of Rangpur Government College and Rangpur Zila School became the champions in the debate competitions on prevention of corruptions at the college and secondary school levels respectively.
Divisional Commissioner (Additional Secretary) Muhammad Dilwar Bakht addressed the concluding ceremony and distributed prizes and crests among winners of different week-long competitions as the chief guest.
Deputy Director of the District Combined Office of the ACC Kamrul Ahsan addressed the ceremony as the special guest with Vice-president of DCPC Dr Nasima Akhter in the chair.
General Secretary of DCPC and valiant freedom fighter Akbar Hossain moderated the ceremony participated by students, guardians, teachers, GO-NGO officials, sociocultural activists, civil society members, professionals and elite.
Assistant Deputy Director of ACC office Nur-E-Alam, Members of DCPC Mamun Islam (Senior Reporter of BSS), Khademul Islam Basunia, Banamali Paul, Dr Samorpita Ghosh Tanya and Advocate Zakia Sultana Choitee were present.
Former Head of the Department of Bengali of Begum Rokeya Government College Professor Mohammad Shah Alam, noted lawyer and human rights activist Advocate Munir Chowdhury and teachers of different schools and college were present.
Terming corruption as a social disease, the speakers put special emphasis on raising unequivocal voice against corruption and conducting motivational activities among the common people, especially students, in building a corruption-free nation.
They stressed for educating the young generations about values of honesty to inspire them in becoming patriotic citizens and having positive impacts on their behavior in future life against corruption.
They put emphasis on active cooperation of people from every sphere of life in preventing corruption through stopping misuse of power and public money by a fewer section of government officials and employees.
The chief guest said massive steps have been taken at various levels, including educational institutions, for building anti-corruption mindset among the students who will lead a corruption-free nation in future.