Commentary: Pope`s appeal for decisive international measures most timely

Editorial Desk :
The Rohingya crisis is only aggravating as they are living in overcrowded refugee camps with more arrival on daily basis. Apart from giving shelter to the forced out refugee from ethnic cleansing in Myanmar, Bangladesh government cannot be a help for sending Rohingya refugees back home.
Bangladesh is a victim of brutalities in Myanmar as because the Rohingyas have been sent to Bangladesh treating them as Bengalis and not as their own people. However earnest our government is, the terrible mistake  
it is making is to be friendly with Myanmar when it has expelled more than 7 lakhs of their people into Bangladesh to be sheltered and looked after.
What is to be fully appreciated is that it is the Rohingyas on whose side the international community stand by to help them back into their own country as full citizen for living in safety. The Myanmar army is long used to commit brutalities on their own people and they can only be dealt with by international community, especially the free world.
Pope Francis who is on a three-day visit to Bangladesh said in Dhaka on Thursday that it is “imperative” for the international community to take “decisive measures” to find a resolution to the root causes of the Rohingya refugee crisis. He said none can fail to understand the gravity of the situation, the immense toll of human suffering involved and the precarious living conditions of so many people – a majority of whom are women and children crowding in the refugee camps. They must be allowed safe return to their country without delay.
He has therefore rightly called upon the international community to work together for resolving the crisis urgently.
The crisis will not be complicated if it is seen that Rohingyas were forced out by Myanmar and it must take back its people.  
 It is sheer arrogance on the part of Myanmar not to accept international supervision.
His meeting with a group of Rohingyas show his concern and made him understand the depth of the humanitarian crisis.
They told the pontiff the terrible stories of their plight that visibly moved him. A woman told how Myanmar military used sexual assault on women and young girls as a weapon of ethnic cleansing. A man said their mere identity as Rohingya made them Myanmar military’s target. They carried out mass killings and torched their villages to forcefully evict them from their own land.
The fact is that Myanmar does not accept Rohingyas as their nationals for being Muslims and pushing them on Bangladesh across the border creating big problem for us. But we can’t shelter them for long because of our limited ability and resources to address the biggest ever humanitarian crisis. But we are not in a position also to play any effective role in helping them to return to their homeland without Myanmar accepting them with safety. A Rohingya man told the pontiff that they are afraid of their safety and they will go back only if Myanmar recognizes them as their national with restoration of citizenship and respect to full human rights.  
We know the Pope is a very powerful global voice to raise international awareness that may create pressure on Myanmar to take back its nationals. His voice is heard every length and corner of the globe as the highest authority of Catholic world and as a big humanist.
We know Myanmar will not take back these people unless the international community forces it to take back. Rohingyas have told him of the significance of his role; so also we believe he can play the most effective role to mobilize world opinion on the issue. Rohingyas need international help to return to their home.