Pineapple Raisin Chutney

Ingredients :
Pineapple, 1 medium
Ginger, 1/2 inch piece
Sugar, 1 tablespoon
Raisins, 2 tablespoons
Panch phoran, 1 teaspoon
Red chillies, crushed, 1/2 teaspoon
Salt, to taste
Peel and cut pineapple into
small pieces.
Peel, wash and grind ginger.
Cook the pineapple with
ginger paste.
Add sugar and raisins to the pineapple and continue to cook.
Add one teaspoon of paanch phoron powder,
crushed red chillies and salt
to taste.
Add half a cup of water and cook for five minutes on low heat.
This chutney can be served
both hot and cold.