Physical disability not obstacles: A glimmer of hope shine in Kulaura


Moulvibazar Correspondent :

 They had no physical disability from birth. But one day, theses two indigenous sisters lost their mobility due to an unknown disease while in school. Even the strength of their hands reduces. However, they did not give up. The battle to move them forward did not stop. With the care and motivation of their parents, they have crossed the boundaries of primary, secondary and higher secondary and are now taking undergraduate (honors) classes. Besides, they are also gained a reputation in cultural activities. Their activities seem to be an inspiration.
These two shine identified as Supriya Sinha (22) and Priyanti Sinha (19). They are living with their family in a rented house in Magura area of Kulaura municipal town in Moulvibazar district.
Father Surendra Kumar Singh used to work in the settlement office as a ‘process server’. In November 2019, he went on Retirement Preparatory Leave (LPR). And mother Sushila Rani Sinha is a housewife.
Their mother Sushila Rani Sinha told this correspondent, our village in Uttar Bhanubil in the adjoining Kamalganj upazila in same Moulvibazar district. Supriya is in the fourth year of Bachelor (Honors) in Sociology at the local Yakub-Tajul Women’s College and Priyanti is in the 2nd year of Bachelor (Honors) in English at Moulvibazar Government College.
In the conversation, Surendra told this correspondent, both of them walked to school while studying in primary school. Then suddenly the power of movement begins to decrease. Take them to Dhaka and show them to the doctors. Examine and give medicine but to no avail. At one point, they both lost the ability to move. Less force in the hand. Supriya wants to finish her education and get a government job. Priyanti wants to be a teacher. Supriya’s hobbies are reading books and reciting poems. Priyanti’s hobbies are reading books and drawing pictures.
Surendra Kumar said that when he was on the job, he used to carry his two children in his arms and take them to the educational institution and go to work. When he was on leave again, he would take them home in between work and still doing this work. However, you do not have to go to a regular educational institution at the undergraduate level. He used to take them from time to time before the closure of educational institutions in covid situation.
Priyanti receives disability allowance every month from the Upazila Social Services Department for a year. But don’t get Supriya.
Mother Sushila Sinha said, they do all the work of bathing, feeding and dressing the two children. Everyone chats together.
Surendra added, ‘God has given two children. It is the responsibility of the parents. That is what I am doing.
Supriya wants to finish her education and get a government job. Priyanthi wants to be a teacher. Supriya’s hobbies are reading books and reciting poems. Priyanthi’s hobbies are reading books and drawing pictures. They have also won several prizes in recitation and painting by participating in various competitions locally. Arrange these prizes in a cupboard in a corner of the living room. The two can also sing well.
Supriya said, it is for the parents they are able to come so far. They do not feel any fatigue in our work. My parents are our friends.
UNO ATM Farhad Chowdhury told this correspondent, all kinds of cooperation given to them by the administration.
