Passing out 1st batch ratings of IMA held

Commodore M Zakiur Rahaman Bhuiyan, psc, BN, handing over gold medal to a passing out ratings cadet.
Commodore M Zakiur Rahaman Bhuiyan, psc, BN, handing over gold medal to a passing out ratings cadet.
Business Desk :
The passing out of 1st batch ratings of International Maritime Academy was held at Pubail, Gazipur recently, says a press release.
 Commodore M Zakiur Rahaman Bhuiyan, psc, BN was present as chief guest while on behalf of board of directors vote of thanks was given by Rummana Chowdhury. A large number of govt and non-govt officials were present on the occasion.
The chief guest distributed gold medals among the best performers. Ratings Tawfiq Ahmed received Gold medal for being the best deck ratings, ratings Nur Hossain received gold medal for being the best engineering ratings and ratings Rayhan Chowdhury received gold medal for best performances in catering department.
After six month of pre sea successful training they will qualify to join ship as trainee.
The chief guest appreciated the ratings and believed that passing out ratings will serve the nation and in foreign flag vessel. He assured all possible help will be rendered to International Maritime Academy for international standard training.
A ceremonial march past by smartly turned out contingent of ratings was followed by an oath taking ceremony.
The Principal of international Maritime Academy Capt. Kazi Ali Imam in his welcome address apprised the audience of the progress being made by the academy to enhance the maritime education. He also stated that this is the first private institution providing the ratings training.
The chief guest was honoured with crest of International Maritime Academy.