
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
Vice Chancellor of the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Prof Dr Kamrul hasan Khan on Sunday inaugurated Thalasia Centre at room No 403 and 404 at Bhaban No 1 of the University on the occasion of the World Thalasia Day . The centre provided services to the patients free of cost . A rally was also brought out on the campus to mark the World Thalasia Day, says a press release.
University Grants Commission
UGC Chairman Professor Abdul Mannan urged its officials to uphold the image of the Commission and enhance the quality of higher education through discharging their duties with dedication, honesty and sincerity. He sought cooperation and assistance of all concerned to successfully run the Commission while addressing UGC officials to mark the completion of one year of his office as UGC Chairman yesterday. Professor Abdul Mannan joined the UGC as 12th Chairman on 07 May 2015. He observed that UGC has significantly contributed to the higher education due to the team spirit of its officials. He, in this regard called upon UGC officials to work with team spirit. UGC Members Prof Dr. Mohammad Yousuf Ali Mollah, Professor Dr Dil Afroza Begum, Prof Dr Md. Akhtar Hossain and Prof Dr. M. Shah Nowaz Ali, UGC Secretary Dr Md, Khaled and officials of the Commission, HEQEP and BdREN were present on the occasion, says a press release.
Bangladesh Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
State Minister of Science & Technology Architect Yafes Osman and Professor Dr. Mezbah Uddin Ahmed, President of Science Academy along with Additional Secretary Md Nazrul Islam, Chairman of BCSIR inaugurated a day- long national seminar on “Research and Development with Service: Prospect, Challenge and Solution” organised by Dhaka Laboratories of Bangladesh Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (BCSIR) at IFST Auditorium of BCSIR yesterday. Senior scientists, high officials and other senior citizens were also presented the seminar, says a press release.
