News In Brief

Shibir leader arrested in Bogura
Dupchanchia (Bogura) Correspondent
Police arrested a Shibir leader under Sherpur Police Station in Bogura. The arrestee was identified as Abdul Halim (29), a fugitive accused in a dozen cases in Sherpur police station in Bogura onn Monday evening, Sherpur Police Station sent him to Bogra jail. Arrested Abdul Halim is son of Delwar Rahman of Houpunia village under cardah union and former president of Upazila Chhatra Shibir. Sherpur Police Station Inspector (OC investigation) Bulbul Islam said 10 cases were filed in the Sherpur Police Station against the leader of Shibir leader Abdul Haleem under the Nazi and Explosive Act from 2010-2010. In the 6 cases, arrest warrants were issued against him from the court. Shibir leader Abdul Halim was a fugitive for the arrest warrant. On Sunday evening, he was arrested from the side of Hapunia Madrasa in Sherpur, after receiving information on the basis of the secret information. Besides, there are 10 cases pending in the Bogura court against the arrested Shibir leader, the police officer said.
Boy electrocuted in Madaripur
MADARIPUR : A boy died after being electrocuted at Purbo Botla village under Kalkini upazila of the district in Thursday noon. The deceased was Asif Howlader, 14, son of Tofazzel Mia of the village. Police said Asif came to contact with a live wear at around 12:30 pm when he was working at his house. He was brought at Madaripur Sadar Hospital where the duty doctor declared him dead. Officer-in-Charge of Kalkini Thana Nasir Uddin confirmed, reports BSS.
Moral education to prevent criminalisation of youths stressed
PIROJPUR: Housing and Public Works minister SM Rezaul Karim here on Monday called for boosting moral education at all level to prevent the youths like ‘Noyon Bond’ from becoming involved with criminal activities. “Moral education is very crucial for the students side by side regular education to groom up them as worthy citizen,” the minister said while distributing education materials for different schools of the district. Addressing a function on the occasion at Nazirpur Primary Teachers Association auditorium here today the minister urged the teachers to treat their students like their children. Primary school is the foundation of education and if students remain weaken at this stage they would not be succeeded to reach their goal, he said. Upazila Nirbahi Officer Rosy Akhter chaired the function while Deputy Commissioner Abu Ali Md Sajjad Hossain, Police Super Hyatul Islam Khan and Upazila Parishad chairman Amuloy Ranjan Halder, spoke among others. A total of 88 projectors and 133 Sound System were distributed among different schools in the function, reports BSS.
Press confce on National Fisheries Week at Bhangura
A press conference was held in the conference room of Bhangura Upazila Parishad on the occasion of National Fisheries Week on Wednesday. Upazila Fisheries Officer Md Abdul Matin highlighted various issues related to the significance of the week and the production of delicious fish in front to the local journalists. UNO Syed Ashrafujjaman presided over the function. Among others Prof Mahbub-Ul-Alam President of Bangura Press Club, Gias Uddin President of Mofussil Journalist Forum, Bikash Kumar ChandPresident of Upazila Reporters Unity, Golam Hafiz Ranju Upazila Vice Chairman and Azida Parvin Phakhi,Upazila Women Vice Chairman