News In Brief

8 hurt as police charge baton on rally protesting warrant against Khaleda

Barisal Correspondent

At least eight activists injured as police charging baton foiled programme of Jubodal protesting issuing arrest warrant against BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia on Tuesday noon.Parvez Akon Biplob, district Jubodal president, said according to central programme they arranged rally and procession protesting issuing arrest warrant against Begum Khaleda Zia by a court in Comilla.However after holding protest rally in front of the organizational office at Ashwini Kumar Hall premises when we tried to bring out protest procession on road police created obstacle at the gate of the hall.Ignoring the order of police, as we went out, then police charging baton scattered us and injured eight activists, Biplob said. The eight injured by baton charge of police were named as Parvez Akon Biplob, HM Taslimuddin, Mamun Reza Khan, Mawla Rabbi, Shamim, Shamsuddoha Azad, Habibur Rahman, and Sujon. On other hand protest rallies of Chhatradal and Swechchhasebok Dal in front of BNP office at the same venue held separately at noon of the same day. However after rally, when they tried to bring out protest procession on road police barred them and forced to be scattered. Sub Inspectors Satyaranjan Khaskel and Abdul Quddus of Barisal Metropolitan Police on duty at the spot, said they did not created any obstacle on holding rally at the hall premise.

View exchange meet on anti-corruption held at Gafargaon


 Gafargaon (Mymensingh) Correspondent

A view exchange meeting on anti-corruption was held at Gafargaon Upazila under Mymensingh recently. Among others, officers of various Department, journalists, public representatives, teachers including and people from all walks of life attended the programme. UNO Dr.Shamim Rahman presided over the view exchange meeting. Upazila Chairman Asraf Uddin Badal, Jahangir Alam ,Deputy-Director of Mymensingh Anti-corruption Commission, Muhammad Masudur Rahman ,Assistant Director of Mymensingh Anti-corruption Commission, Adv Dr. K M Ehsan ,President of Gafargaon Upazila Anti-corruption committee, AC (Land) Sheikh Shamsul Arefin, Rejaul Karim, Project Implantation Officer addressed in the view exchange meeting. The speakers delivered their speeches on corruption and irregular of different stages of administration openly.

Plantation of Rampal UZ Krishak League ends

Rampal-Mongla Correspondent

Tree plantation program of Rampal UZ Krishak League was held at on Saturday morning. In an exceptional way , they ran their tree plantation programme . With the presence of Krishak League members of the UZ in every ward , they planned to plant four trees in ninety wards of Rampal Upazila at the same time. According to their decision, they arranged the program with the help of the members of UZ Krishak League Ward Unit. Being preside over by Krishak League Acting President Sk. Eklasur Rahman, MP of Rampal-Mongla Constituency Alhaj Talukder Abdul Khaleq inaugurated the program planting trees from Uzorkur Union Parishad. After Planting trees by the chief guest, the members of Ninety Wards planted trees in the respective Wards. Central Member of Krishak League Samal Singha Roy, X-Upazilla Chairman Mollah Abdur Rouf, Upazilla Vice Chairman Sk. Moajjem Hossain, X-Vice Chairman Md. Hamim Nuri, Mohila Vice Chairman Hosneara Mily, Uzorkur UP Chairman Gazi Aktarujjaman, Gourambha UP Chairman Gias Uddin Gazi, Baintala UP Chairman Fakir Md. Abdullah, Agriculturalist Sayed Abdul Matin, Juboleague Secretary of Uzorkur UP Julfiquer Ali Vutta were present in the program .
