Mysterious theft of fertiliser from Govt depots

DESPITE fertile land loss, inclement weather and depleting irrigation water, Bangladesh’s agriculture keeps contributing a fifth of the GDP each year. Along with other factors, government’s policy support in the form of fertiliser subsidy plays a big part here. But misappropriation of the key agro input such as fertiliser by a syndicate involved in shipment and transport, and mismanagement by the state-run authorities have been causing serious concern in recent times. That said – Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation (BCIC), have seriously tainted this otherwise commendable effort.
Not only the culture of impunity within the corridors of the BCIC and elsewhere is worrisome, But this systematic graft has cost the country loss of about Tk 100 crore each year since 2009. More is that, fertiliser worth 200 crore has been looted and reportedly disappeared with the help of a number of BCIC high-ups and the ‘invisible syndicate’. Not even a ton of fertiliser was stored from the over twenty warehouses, meant for supplying to poor farmers. A total number of six transport agencies and contractors have been accused in this regard.
However, fiscal years 2015-16 and 2016-17 have witnessed large scale corruption in storing and distributing fertiliser. A number of dubious traders and contractors continue looting and removing fertiliser from government warehouses by using fake documentation. This must stop right away.
Earlier this year, it was a shocking eye-opener to learn how a dubious contractor stole furtiliser from the warehouse corporation, disappeared, resurfaced to steal again, disappeared again and is now back for business. Not only did his company steal fertiliser, it also delivers short weight bags filled with sub-standard fertiliser. Rather curiously nothing is being done to stop him from operating. He is merely a one among the many.
Also both the BCIC and government audits failed to spot massive anomalies until 2015, and now though they have become evident – nothing is being done to address the predicaments.
Riddled with corruption, mismanagement and irregularities, the BCIC has apparently turned into a frauds haven. Need of the minute is to completely overhaul the BCIC management, spot the offenders one by one and hand them out with exemplary punishments.