More students in ICT sector needed

City Desk :
Speakers at a seminar have observed that a substantial boosting of computer science-minded students is necessary for flourishing of information and communication technology in the country. They opined that increasing the number of science-minded students with ICT knowledge would be effective means of ensuring their better contribution to the development process.
They said this yesterday while speaking at the inaugural session of a day-long international conference “Computer, Communication, Chemical, Materials and Electronic Engineering” in the senate building of Rajshahi University (RU). Vice- chancellor Prof. Mijanuddin addressed the session as the chief guest while Vice-chancellor of RUET Prof. Rafiqul Alam Beg and Pro-VC of RU Prof Chowdhury Sarwar Jahan spoke as special guests with Prof Abu Bakar Ismail, Dean of Science Faculty, in the chair.
Prof Mijanuddin viewed there is no way but to wide-ranging promotion of science and technology to take forward the nation successfully. The young generation will surely take the nation forward through improving the technological area and all of us should create an enabling situation for them in this regard, he added.
He mentioned that necessary steps must be taken to make the computer laboratories in educational institutions properly functioning for familiarizing and disseminating the knowledge of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) among the students. Prof Mijanuddin observed that there is no alternative to equip the young generation with ICT knowledge and its proper application for facing the challenges of the 21st century.