Local entrepreneurs firm to set up mobile phone industry


Economic Reporter :
Bangladesh has achieved remarkable success in industrial development as the country draws internal acclamation for its garment, pharmaceutical, ceramic and electronics sectors. The ‘Made in Bangladesh’ label has become a pride for the South Asian nation. The country is about to emerge as the manufacturer of ICT products such as mobile phone, laptop etc. Several entrepreneurs have taken initiative to manufacture mobile handset inside the country. However, a vested quarter has hatched conspiracy to stop the advancement of this initiative.
Sources say, Walton has taken initiative to produce multilayer motherboard and announced to manufacture mobile phone and laptop inside the country. Walton Compressor Plant started production earlier in this month. The local brand received export order of compressor parts from Germany on the very day of its inauguration by the Finance Minister. However, negative campaign is going on against the local industrial sector and local brands as well fearing that foreign brands would lose their market in Bangladesh once Walton starts manufacturing.
While contacted, Uday Hakim, Senior Operative Director of Walton Group, said, prices of electronics products like fridge, television and air conditioner decreased remarkably as they are now being manufactured inside the country achieving the trust of consumers. Now the prices of ICT products like mobile phone and laptop will also decrease if these products are manufactured in the country preventing foreign brands in drawing huge profit. The move will also help expansion of hardware and software industries along with creating huge employment. For which a bested quarter is trying to thwart the initiative as they are aware that if they can do that, the industry will not flourish in Bangladesh within next 50 years.
Sources say, total demand of handsets in Bangladeshi market is 100 million pieces. Over 30 million pieces of handsets along with huge accessories are annually sold here. Overall, the market is of Tk 150 billion which is totally import oriented. Walton and some other local brands have the ability to set up mobile phone and accessories production industry inside the country. Walton is now fully prepared to manufacture mobile phone display and multilayer motherboard at its own plant. The company has also set up design develop, research and development and quality control units.
BASIS President Mustafa Jabbar during a recent visit to Walton factory said, Walton is fully prepared to manufacture multilayer motherboards in the country. I hope Walton will start producing various digital devices including multilayer motherboards by the end of this year. Various fridge manufacturing companies including Walton were established as the government took suitable policy for them.
