Legal notice being sent over harmful plastic toys

Staff Reporter :
A legal notice has been sent upon the government demanding appropriate action to stop production, export and marketing of harmful plastic toys.
At the same time, the notice demanded a policy for producing safe plastic toys.
Advocate J R Khan Robin, a Supreme Court lawyer, sent the notice on Wednesday on behalf of another Supreme Court lawyer, Shammi Akhter, as the plastic toys in the market containing harmful chemical.
11 respondents, including Secretaries of Health,
Home, Law, Commerce and Industries, Directorate General of Health Services and Directorate of National Consumer Rights Protection, are asked to comply with the notice within 7 days. Otherwise appropriate legal action will be taken against the respondents.
It was said in the notice that plastic toys are mainly made of light and heavy plastic. All these plastics contain many types of harmful chemicals. In addition, various harmful chemicals are used to make plastic toys attractive. Sometimes children put these toys in the mouth. By this way harmful chemicals of plastic toys enter into the babies’ body. It causes many ailments, including cancer.
The notice states that many countries around the world have policy on safe plastic toys. But there is no policy in our country.
