Khulna Free Day Dec 17


BSS, Khulna :

The December 17 is a red letter day for Khulna People as the Pakistan army surrendered to the allied forces on the day in 1971, a day after rest of the country was liberated.
In spite of broadcasting the news of Pakistan army’s surrender over radio on December 16, the Khulna city was not liberated on the day from the grasp of the occupation forces as they didn’t accede to give in.
 “But we were determined to free Khulna as soon as possible,” said Sheikh QuamruzzamanTuku, chief of the then Khulna unit Muzib Bahini, now elected chairman of Bagerhat District Council.
Between December 11 and 16, freedom fighters along with Indian forces had recaptured most of the camps of Pakistani army and their local collaborators like Razakars, Al Badars and Al Shams in the areas surrounding the Khulna city.
The camps include Gallamary Radio Station, Khulna Lions School, PMG Colony, Khulna Shipyard, Number 7 jetty ghat area, Tootpara and Boyra Fire Brigade Stations, Wapda Building, Goalpara Power Plant at Khalishpur, Bhasany Biddyapith, Hotel Asaiana, Hotel Shaheen, Khulna Circuit House and some places of Goalkhali, Daulatpur, Khalishpur and Shiromony area in Khulna.
On December 17, the freedom fighters started approaching to Khulna city through different points including Rupsha Ghat area via Senerhat Rajapur, Crescent Jute Mill Khulna Lions School, Mongla and Batiaghata.
Two major battles were won by the freedom fighters on the day- one in Shiromony area and another in Khulna Shipyard area.
At last, Pakistani occupation forces were defeated on December 17. A total of 200 occupation army soldiers surrendered with their weapons while their local collaborators fled.
