JnU Medical Center by name only

Hasan Mahmud :
Though the Jagannath University (JnU) is one of the country’s leading public universities but the students of this university have been suffering from proper medicare treatment due to dearth of medical officers and other requirements.
The University Medical Center (JnUMC) set up in 2010 in the new academic building and after four years it has only one medical officer and 2 medical assistants and have no medical instruments to look after 19,000 students. Negligence of the university authority is the main causes of this poor condition of the medical center, said students and teachers of the university.
It was learnt that, the doctor student ratio at the JnU medical center is 1:19,000 as against 1:750 at Dhaka University.
According to BHORE Committee report, the standard ratio of doctor patient is required 1:2,500 for developmental country like Bangladesh. In that report, their needs 10 doctors immediately to provide proper medical treatment of JnU students, but it has only one.
Talking to Dr Zahidul Islam of Midford Medical College and Hospital said, 10 doctors can able to provide proper medical treatment for 19,000 students but in that case there need 20 medical assistant (2 for each doctor) and one bed for per thousand students.
But in JnU medical center there have no bed for the patient, no medicine for first aid, no pathology and no ambulance service in case of emergency. In a statistic report it was learnt that, everyday more than 40-50 students came to the medical center to take medical treatment and the number is increasing day by day as the newcomer are getting admitted themselves in the university.
In this connection, JnU Medical center officer Dr Mita Sobnom stated that, we need at least two more medical officer and six subordinates, two-ambulance service, five beds, medicine stock, pathology and radiology service immediately to provide proper medical treatment for the students. If the authority would not take proper attention against this needs than the students would suffer from proper medical service.
Talking with the correspondent, some students of the university alleged that though the authority has given us a medical centre but it has no medicine, no pathology, no ambulance and sufficient medical officer to look after us properly. Most of the time we found the medical officer out of reach. Even, the medical center has no first aid medicine to give immediate treatment on some normal accidents.
However, the JnU authority has made an circular two times for the medical officer recruitment but due to negligence and ignorance they still failed to appoint any medical officer till now.
JnU vice-chancellor Prof Dr Mizanoor Rahman stated, “We have already made a spherical to conscript one medical officer within a very short moment and we also hope that we will able to get an ambulance service swiftly. We have also a plan to establish pathology almost immediately”.