IPU`s call to protect politics from money power deserves praise

THE Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) call at the end of five-day conference in Dhaka on Wednesday to all parliaments across the globe to take measures to protect the political system from money power and organised lobbies deserves praise. In the communiqué, it has also called for measures to enhance transparency in the democratic system and strengthen Anti-Corruption Legislation. It has demanded to effectively limit private funding of candidates and political parties facing election.

The IPU conference in Dhaka made the call at a time when our politics remains heavily flawed by money power. Corruption is politics and politically protected. Our Anti-Corruption Commission shows determination but has not been able to gather courage to go after corruption in high places.

Bangladesh hosted the event but it is unclear how the advice from the world parliamentarians will go with our democratic system. We need changes in our democratic practices.

The Dhaka Declaration asked for legislation to control election funding and ensure budgetary allocation for protection of human rights.


Their emphasis for limiting funding of candidates and political parties during elections as many put their money in elections as individual investment and to buy favour from party leadership is highly sensible as it is destroying the election system and public institutions. Many put money to buy important positions in the government or later get business contract adding to corruption.

The IPU participants have rightly called for more public access to State institutions and resources by the poor to combat corruption, reduce poverty and accelerate empowerment of women in the society. Ideally speaking, these are tall words but looking at the deprivation of people, police excesses and poor performance of human rights in many developing countries including host Bangladesh, there is hardly any match between expectations and reality.

Nonetheless, we must say, we are happy that the IPU conference was held in Bangladesh and the concerns they expressed about democracy should be welcome.
