ICT seminar held at DU


City Desk :
A day-long information and communication technology (ICT) seminar on “Fast Track Future Leader” was held on Tuesday at Business Studies Faculty Conference Hall of Dhaka University (DU).
Leveraging ICT for growth, employment & governance project of the Ministry of ICT and DU IT society jointly organized the seminar in cooperation with the World Bank. DU Vice-Chancellor Prof AAMS Arefin Siddique inaugurated the seminar as the chief guest.
ICT Division Secretary Nazrul Islam Khan, its Joint
Secretary Md Rezaul Karim and Program Leader of LICT Fakhruzzaman addressed as special guests with Moderator of DU IT society and Chairman of Television and Film Studies Department Prof AJM Shafiul Alam Bhuiyan in the chair.
Prof Siddique said that information technology has provided us a global village, reduced physical distance and increased opportunities to overcome time and space constraints. He also urged the youths to connect themselves with modern IT to face global competition of the 21st century. Leveraging ICT for growth, employment and governance project of ICT Ministry has been conducting various training programs on ICT to build skilled manpower across the country.
