IC expands training to UZ level to boost awareness about RTI


City Desk :
As part of beefing up public awareness about access to information, the Information Commission (IC) has infused dynamism in its operations through imparting training to responsible officers working at different levels.
“Since the enactment of the Right to Information (RTI) Act in 2009, the Information Commission has taken various steps to make the people aware of this law and various action plans have already been implemented in this regard,” said Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) Martuza Ahmed.
As part of IC’s responsibility, it has already organized public awareness meetings in all divisions and districts, he said, adding that such programmes are being held at the upazila level too.
“We’re going to organize a series of such awareness campaigns up to upazila level,” he added.
In order to increase awareness about women’s right to information, he said RTI implementation and monitoring committees have already been formed at division, district and upazila levels, reports BSS.
Terming the RTI Act as a very time-befitting law to ensure people’s right to know about the government’s activities, he said once upon a time everything was kept secret under the Official Secrets Act but it is now almost open for public which has ultimately ensured transparency and accountability of the government.
“Now, people enjoy the right to know everything except some state secrets,” he added.
He said at present there are a total of 42,000 responsible officers in charge as per Right to Information Act at public and private organizations across the country to help information-seekers get their required information.
Talking to BSS, Information Commissioner Dr. Abdul Malek said IC has recently launched RTI Online Tracking System so that people can get information digitally in accordance with the RTI Act.
“So, now the people can seek information from departments concerned or offices using internet from their own residence or nearest Digital Centre as there are nearly 8,000 Digital Centers in rural and municipal areas across the country,” Dr. Malek said.
“As a result, an applicant does not need to visit the specified office time and again for getting information,” he added.
He said the RTI Act serves as a real tool to empower the people. So, the people need to know how to apply this law, he said, adding that the foundation of democracy will be strengthened further if RTI Act can be properly implemented.
About the RTI Online Tracking System, Dr. Malek said, “Whenever an applicant files an application, he or she receives a tracking number through mobile message. Now the applicant will be able to know about the overall status of his or her application . . . these are the benefits of Digital Bangladesh,” he added.
According to the Annual Report 2020, IC held public awareness creation meetings in some 481 upazilas of 64 districts from 2015 to 2020 under the concerned upazila administrations. Around 400 people participated in each awareness creation meeting.
Besides, a total of 47,137 individuals, including responsible officers, journalists, police, teachers and students, RTI trainers and other officials were so far given training. In addition, about 45,000 government officials concerned completed the training online.
