Happy New Year

M. Mizanur Rahman :
The world of ours welcomes the New Year with cherished desire of peace and happiness. So everybody addresses one another ‘Happy New Year’ joyously. This is fervid and moral strength of humanity
Undeniably it appears that human mind remains very fresh and pure in such sacred greeting with the great hope that the day may carry the omen of the occasion for good. On this day everyone likes to rejoice with kith and kin welcoming the new. Each one of us has to struggle for existence for hope against hope in the ocean of time.
Nobody knows what is coming tomorrow but everybody hopes for the best. Towards our maintenance of peace and happiness in life we are to traverse a long way counteracting many a hurdles. Our destination is always programmed. In the world of fascination one has to be groomed to meet the essentials as needed on the occasion. That’s the occasion where our livelihood is cherished in order our expectant benevolent desire has to be fulfilled. In this process we are to win the day overcoming hurdles we face occasionally.
We could have identified the natural catastrophe larking ahead due to global warming and as such world leaders of almost all countries, large or small, had come to terms to settle down to the limitation in order to avert major climate hazards recently in Paris climate conference. Each country of the world must abide by the agreements in order of common interest in one hand and to save the animal world on the other. Meanwhile Megane Ghorbani raised the question of gender sensitivity regarding the outcome of the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held in Paris from November 30th to December 11th 2015, has reinforced the reasons why women must be at the heart of decisions and mobilization to advance climate justic. According to the UN, women and children are 14 times more likely than men to die during the disaster. Therefore , women are particularly vulnerable to climate change and experience its effects disproportionately because of their social roles in providing water, food and combustible materials to the family and caring for others; and the injustices they experience including gender-based violence, lack of access to information, etc. Women bear the brunt of climate change, but they also hold the greatest knowledge and strength for mobilizing to fight against it.
Hence all pros and cons of ot must be considered to this effect.
Similarly why the so called leaders of the world do not sit together also to settle down the war or conflicts that invited global disorders among world humanity irrespective of their faiths due to a few warmongers of any name parochially? Undue migrations of the population from the affected countries to the peaceful countries take place and as such many a valuable human lives are lost across the hazardous treks either during crossing through impassable land or inaccessible terrain or on the turbulent troubled ocean.
On the occasion of this New Year 2016 all warring nations, big or small, should shun such wars and bring about peaceful solutions of all problems faced by those affected peoples. Everybody knows it well that modern war means causing casualties of innumerable innocent people and destruction of their life-long hard earned costly properties. This should never be taken as playthings. Let this New Year make those leaders sensible to avert war and find out solutions to save human lives.
We are painfully observing throughout the world that only due to clash of interest international conflicts of any means take place between the nuclear powered nations. They appear to have been playing with the lives of the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, and Palestine. Had there been humanitarian sense among them they should have solved this life and death problems of the human beings. Al Qaida, militants, so called Islamic State appear to have been growing up as by-products of the inhuman vested interests quarters causing disturbances among peaceful human beings. The seeds of vengeance sprouted out of the venomous moisture soaked by the soil and trees of violence-grown demons look to be hungry of spoiled blood. In all, most of the ordinary and innocent people suffer as its painful and tragic ends. Let this New Year’s celebration give sense to those well learned leading peoples of the world to bring about peace and tranquility among all human beings around the globe.
We are very painfully observing the world of conflicts due to clash of interests. It is more painful that human wisdom fails to create an ambience where man must understand that he is destined to mortal blow at any time according to the order of the providence. Why then clash of interests? Hence he should not be involved in any cause to conflict or war.
We must learn that sense of innocence from all the sweetest fragrant flowers that there is everything to understand peace and harmony blessed by nature reasonably. That’s the reason why all poets love flowers. One should remember that every soul has the poetry of natural reasons for what is needed is to nurture that poetic soul for the well being of all. It is wisdom that one who dies cannot take anything with him or her but leaves behind all his/ her deeds and misdeeds along with earthly properties however or whatever costly that might be. And this is the whole truth.
Let us enjoy this New Year with a mission that ours is to save humanity in the truest sense of the terms as perfect human beings. This is to help each other in need but not to harm anybody any way Peaceful living is the motto of life. Everyone, who is peace-loving, aspires after that. Everyone is likely to work to that end in life. Create the condition where human beings can live peacefully without clash of interests.
Why the world of ours is so contradicting and conflicting? This can be settled provided man understands himself before he should take out another’s same life on any pretext. The slain person might have the same good interest beneficial to mankind on earth. But his life ended premature due to another’s folly. So foolishness must be removed not by killing the person concerned but by throwing the light of wisdom on him and putting him on the track of righteousness.
It is not known when the slavery of war efforts will go forever and good sense of worth will prevail on human mind. What amusement man enjoys killing enemies created by his own mechanism? How long this hero worship should continue? Is God propitiated by such worship of homicide? Never, God is ever displeased in such human folly. The chain reactions of natural disasters on this small planet earth of our little habitats must thus be causes of human folly.
A man takes away water from the mouth of another thirsty man! How cruel a man can be? Sometimes he might be the cruelest one than the ferocious beast. One nation deprives another from the natural flow of water by constructing dam for its narrow selfish ends! There are so many instances of human cruelties than the beasts of the jungle here and there. But why? What’s then the pride of our human civilization on the sculls of homicide?
Cannot we dream of a newer world where there would be no place for war or conflict between human beings?
Let us dream of that world of peace and harmony between all peoples of the world irrespective of their faiths in this New Year’s Day.
Let’s dream of that World…
Let us dream of only a world of the human.
That’s the world where there’s no border between the countries.
And where there would not be so-called subject or nation.
But the world we need where we can embrace souls after souls
Within a bridge
On which there can be no space for political violence.
Where there can neither be any base for economic exploitation
Nor there can be any face for social discrimination
 but there everyone can enjoy the victory of peace
 in human conscience.
Let’s dream of only the world of the human
 where beasts in man can be tamed
and fairness of love with fragrant flowers be hemmed
and where sweet colloquial of different aphorism may span.

Let’s dream of only that land
 where wants and poverty cannot exist.
But where people of all shades and colors
learn to become relatives to each other at least;
where every so-called country must remain free
for human movement.
Where there should never be made walls like Berlin
or restrictions like passport or visa
which can shield the human fate.  
From all bonds, let all people of all countries be free
as God made us all but born-free.
Let all of us enjoy equally the flowers and fruits
of the same tree of this world
as the people of one country.
So is the poet’s deliberation: Let the leaders of all countries of the world unite for the sake of humanity in unison and make the dream true to welcome the sacred New Year’s Day and let’s understand we live and die natural death when that providence makes us die naturally against all odds in life. So we can live all in peace and happiness all over the world.
