Happy birthday to Kumar Bishwajit


Entertainment Report :
Music-lovers are still very much eager to hear the songs of legendary singer Kumar Bishwajit. It happens in case of his rendered popular and new songs. For this reason, the singer is very much careful while rendering and composing new songs. Because he believes at the end of the day, good songs remain alive among the minds of the music-lovers. Today is the birthday of Kumar Bishwajit. On his birthday, he remembers his deceased friends Lucky Akhond, Ayub Bachchu, Sheikh Ishtiaque, Khalid Hasan Milu, Andrew Kishore, Ali Akbar Rupu and Farid Ahmed. All of them were engaged with music. He also remembers the name of late journalist Mosharraf Rumi.
While talking about his birthday Kumar Bishwajit said, “Another year passed from my life but I could not do anything for them who love me a lot. Music is a devotional work. For practicing music, I sometimes did not eat foods even could not manage rents of my house. But I never lost my tolerant. I request the new generation’s singers not to loss serene. During corona pandemic, I lost many persons. In the meantime, many singers and musicians are passing tough time during pandemic. Everybody should prays for the recovery from this pandemic situation. Everybody prays for my deceased mother also.”
Kumar Bishwajit also informed that he will take part in music video of his new song titled Meghdoot, which was composed by Rajib. Therefore, he will also render two songs for the album Oishworjo.
