Half of US voters believe Trump is racist, survey shows

Ibraheem Samirah, a Democratic Virginia assemblyman, protests during US President Donald Trump's speech.
Ibraheem Samirah, a Democratic Virginia assemblyman, protests during US President Donald Trump's speech.

Slightly more than half of US voters believe President Donald Trump is racist, according to a poll published on Tuesday.
Fifty-one percent of those surveyed in the Quinnipiac University poll said Trump is racist while 45 percent said he is not.
Forty-six percent of white voters polled said the president is racist while 50 percent said he is not.
Eighty percent of black voters said Trump is racist while 11 percent said he is not.
As for Hispanic voters, 55 percent said he is racist while 44 percent said he is not.
Women were more likely than men to believe Trump is racist.
Fifty-five percent of men said he is not racist while 41 percent said he is.
As for women, 59 percent said he is racist while 36 percent said he is not.
Most of the voters polled — 61 percent-said Congress should not start impeachment proceedings against Trump. Twenty-nine percent said it should.
The Quinnipiac poll of 1,306 voters nationwide was conducted between July 25 and 28. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.4 percentage points.
Trump has been accused of racism for promoting the “birther” lie that Barack Obama was not born in the United States and his tenure in the White House has been marked by tirades against immigrants and prominent non-white politicians.
The president insisted to reporters at the White House on Tuesday that he is the “least racist person anywhere in the world.”
“I’m the least racist person there is anywhere in the world,” President Donald Trump said on Tuesday.But many people across the US disagree.
A slim majority of Americans (51%) believe President Donald Trump is racist, according to a new national Quinnipiac poll, while 45% say he is not. The poll comes after Trump’s criticism of lawmakers of color, including saying that congresswomen critical of his policies should “go back” to “totally broken” countries they’re from, despite three of four of them being born in the US.
The poll found a significant divide between white people and people of color on whether Trump is racist:46% of white people said Trump is racist, while 50% said he is not.80% of black people said Trump is racist, while 11% said he is not.55% of Latino people said Trump is racist, while 44% said he is not.
There was also a sharp split along partisan lines. A whopping 91% of Republicans said Trump is not racist, while just 8% said he is. Meanwhile, 86% of Democrats said Trump is racist as 9% said he’s not.
Read more: CNN anchor from Baltimore slams Trump’s attack on his hometown in a tearful monologue: ‘It’s about black and brown people’
Most independents (56%) said Trump is racist, while roughly four-in-10 said he’s not.
Earlier, Mr Trump denounced the “horrors” of slavery in a speech in Jamestown, Virginia, celebrating the founding of the first local legislature there by English colonists 400 years ago.
