Govt to be held responsible for ‘disorder’ over

unilateral polls: BNP

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP on Saturday warned the government that it will be held responsible for the emergence of any ‘disorder’ if the next general election schedule is announced without any discussion with political parties.
“We would like to clearly say that a proper atmosphere must be created and all justified demands must be met. The election schedule will have to be announced after resolving the problems through talks,” said BNP senior leader Nazrul Islam Khan.

Speaking at a discussion, he further said, “Otherwise, the government will have to shoulder the responsibility if any disorder is created in the country.” Jatiyatabadi Sramik Dal, the BNP’s labour wing, arranged the programme demanding party chairperson Khaleda Zia’s release from jail.
Nazrul, a BNP standing committee member, said the participation of opposition parties under the leadership of Khaleda Zia is necessary for credible polls.
He said their party will surely join the election if a level-playing field is created, Khaleda Zia is released and the election is held under a non-party administration with the deployment of army.
The BNP leader warned the government that it will not be able to hold the next general election in the same style of 2014. He said the government should create its safe and gracious exit route. “The only way for ensuring you’re a safe exit is to hold a credible election and free Khaleda Zia.”
The BNP leader also demanded the government free all the political prisoners and arrested students who waged a movement for safe roads.
Referring to the election to the two postponed polling stations in Sylhet City Corporation, Nazrul said Awami League mayoral candidate got one-fourth of what BNP contestant bagged as the ruling party did not indulge in vote rigging there sensing its sure defeat in the polls.
“This’s the real scenario of vote ratio in the country. Awami League will get one-fourth of what BNP to secure if a fair election is held. That’s why they (AL) want to hold the election with an obedient Election Commission and administratio Nazrul also criticised AL general secretary Obaidul Quader for his comment that BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir’s call for liberating the country again is tantamount to treason.
“You (Quader) must understand the political language. Fakhrul didn’t call upon people to liberate the country the way we did it in 1971. He talked about freedom of doing politics, holding a democratic election and leading a safe life by his assertion to liberate the country again,” the BNP leader said.
At a discussion on Friday, Fakhrul urged people to wake up for ensuring a safe and independent Bangladesh. “An uneasy situation has been prevailing in the country. Our girls are being picked up at the dead of night accusing them of instigating student movement…we call upon people to come forward not only for safe roads, but also for safe Bangladesh. Wake up and liberate the country again.”
Nazrul reminded Quader his remark on stopping oxygen supply to Bangabhaban in ‘2007’ and said BNP also could accuse him of attempting to kill the then President, and military and civil officers who were staying there at the Bangabhaban. “Is a threat to kill people less serious offence than treason?
The BNP leader said they did not take Obaidul Quader’s comment on oxygen seriously as it was a political rhetoric.
